The 11 successful recipients to share $52,427 in funding from Byron Shire Council have been announced.
The aim of the Community Initiatives Program is to provide seed funding for projects run by not-for-profit community organisations and groups that will create positive social, cultural, and environmental outcomes.
"The 11 projects are very diverse and represent the unique, creative and community spirit that characterises our shire," Mayor, Michael Lyon, said.
The projects, to be delivered by June 2024 are:
- Mullumbimby Sound Trail -Brunswick Valley Historical Society Museum ($5,000) Development of a sound trail, accessed by mobile phone, of interviews, history, personal stories, natural soundscapes and music with text, images and maps connected to locations around Mullumbimby.
- Christmas Cheer in the Bay ($5,000) A range of festive activities to be held around the Byron Bay Visitor Centre over the Christmas period.
- Humans of Bruns ($2,500) Interviews with people from Brunswick Heads whose stories and photos will be posted on Instagram and Facebook and celebrated in a public exhibition.
- Japanese play and language group – Japanese Community Byron Bay ($5,000) A Japanese play and language group for recently arrived families and children in the Byron Shire. Activities will include child development, language and cultural support and information about child and family support services.
- Mullum SEED community open day and quarterly gatherings ($5,000) The community open day and regularly gatherings will bring together diverse organisations and disadvantaged community members to the Mullum SEED Eco Hub.
- Raise the heart ($5,000) A comedy theatre show, wellbeing forum and workshops held by health professionals and a local theatre company with a focus on promoting mental health and suicide prevention.
- Wellbeing Mentor Training Program – Shedding Community Workshop Inc ($5,000) The Wellbeing Mentor Training Program supports 20 existing volunteer mentors with six days of training on topics including non-violent/compassionate communication, mental health first aid, counselling, meditation, and conflict resolution.
- Spaghetti Circus outreach program – Spaghetti Circus (4,927.50) The Spaghetti Circus outreach program will take a junior performance troupe on a one-week, inter-generational tour of the Byron Shire, visiting five preschools and four aged care facilities.
- Pianos for the People – The Foundation for Creative Intelligence ($5,000) The installation of a Pianos for the People at Kohinur Hall to encourage community activation, connection, and resilience after the floods.
- Summer in The Pocket – The Pocket Public School ($5,000) The Summer in The Pocket festival will focus on community connect and the celebration of community spirit.
- The Byron Women's Space – Trustee for the Byron Bay Community Benefit Fund ($5,000) The Byron Women's Space operates from the Fletcher Street Cottage and supports women at risk of homelessness. A program will provide wellbeing support and facilitate engagement with service providers.
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