To encourage people not to drink drive, Byron Shire Council is offering the chance to enter the 'Win A Swag – What's Your Plan B' competition during April.
"All people have to do is to look for the competition box and complete a short entry form with their plan b at participating venues, for their chance to win a swag", said Shelley Currie, Byron Shire Council's Road Safety Officer.
"We want people to tell us what they'll do instead of drink driving. That might be getting a taxi home, or setting up a swag at their mate's house, or something more creative. There are seven venues around the Shire participating, located in Byron Bay, Billinudgel, and Ocean Shores," she said.
The venues participating in the competition are:
- The Great Northern Hotel – Byron Bay
- Ginn Jinn Café & Restaurant – Byron Bay
- The Cellar Byron Bay – Byron Bay
- The Cellar Byron Plaza – Byron Bay
- Billinudgel Hotel – Billinudgel
- Byron Bay Services Club – Byron Bay
- Ocean Shores Country Club – Ocean Shores.
"Drink driving is a big problem in the shire. NSW Police infringement data shows that Tweed/Byron has the highest incidence of alcohol related crashes and RBT infringements from Newcastle to the Queensland border, and Byron Bay is the number one township in this region. We want to reduce the number of people getting hurt on our roads," Mrs Currie said.
This competition is part of a number of road safety campaigns funded by Transport for NSW, that kicked off last year.
"We've had a great response from people telling us where they want to see Vehicle Activated Signs, that remind people to slow down, and we are hoping to receive lots of entries in this competition," she said.