There's no quick recovery from a flood like we experienced last week and the hard work continues for our community.
Council's teams are working flat out on getting road access to places like Wilsons Creek, Main Arm, Huonbrook and Wanganui and the Australian Defence Force is working with us to get this happening which is terrific news.
In particular we are asking that only essential traffic travel on Wilsons Creek Road tomorrow and across the weekend. We are preparing the road so we can get the excavators and trucks up there on Monday.
Collection of flood-damaged waste continues. It's a slow process but we're making good and visible progress.
While we still ask that residents use the additional skip bins that have been provided around the shire for flood waste where possible, the good news is that the Resource Recovery Centre at Myocum will be open this Saturday and Sunday from 8:30am – 11:30am.
Large trucks will still be in operation at the tip, so we ask for your patience and to exercise caution when moving amongst heavy vehicles. Proof of address is required if claiming flood waste.
A REMINDER that the Mullumbimby Farmers Market is not on this week (Friday 11 March).
Mullumbimby Recovery Centre
If you, or anyone you know, has been impacted by the floods, please go and find out about the range of services and help available to you at Resilience NSW's dedicated Flood Recovery Centre at the Mullumbimby Civic Hall in Dalley Street.
Face-to-face support is available from a range of different agencies and the centre is open 7 days from 8.30am until 5pm.
You might feel that you don't need these services because there a lot of people worse off than you.
We are hearing that many people feel this way. But the Mullumbimby Recovery Centre is there for everyone, and it really is worth going and having a chat in this safe and welcoming space. Please use all the great help and services now on offer.
Waste and Clean-up Information and Schedule
A reminder to keep cars off the streets as much as possible, or the trucks can't pick up your waste.
Please put small items and any food waste in your wheelie bins to make the clean-up process quicker. Wheelie bins are getting collected as per normal unless access is restricted.
We encourage residents to continue using the additional skip bins for flood waste. There are bins located at:
- "Salad Bowl" – Brunswick Valley Way / North end of Orana Rd Ocean Shores
- Mullumbimby netball courts carpark – Byron St Mullumbimby
- Kohinur Hall – Upper Main Arm
- Palmwoods Rd – at junction of Main Arm Rd, Upper main arm Rd and Palmwoods Rd
- Left Bank Rd Mullumbimby – approximately 760 Left Bank Rd
A sixth location at Upper Wilsons Creek will be added once access safe access is established. We're hoping this will be early next week.
Remember that asbestos needs to be dealt with by a licensed contractor. Photos and advice on what asbestos might look like can be found at Around the home | Asbestos (nsw.gov.au)
Clean Up Crews
Kerbside clean up crews are scheduled to come through the following areas Thursday, Friday and Monday:
- Mullumbimby (north and south of Argyle St, Nightcap Crt, Cassia Crt, Rush Crt, Left Bank Rd)
- New Brighton (North Head Rd, Pacific St, New Brighton Rd)
- South Golden Beach (beginning with Beech and Gloria Streets)
- Ocean Shores (northern end Orana Rd and areas around Waterlilly Park)
- North Ocean Shores
While most contractors will take a break over the weekend, some will continue if possible and may be assisted by the Australian Defence Force (ADF).
Roads and bridges
Council crews are continuing to work hard on solutions to restore access to several of our flood-impacted hinterland communities.
Wilsons Creek
Please avoid travel on Wilsons Creek Road tomorrow. Essential traffic only.
Council will be joined by Australian Defence Force crews and will be preparing Wilsons Creek Road for excavator and truck access on Monday.
Work will continue over the weekend so that we can get machines to a large washed-out area which is preventing access further up the valley.
Main Arm and Williams Bridge
We kicked off work to restore access at Williams Bridge yesterday and it's full steam ahead today, despite the rain. We're hoping to have these bridge works
completed in the next few weeks.
Huonbrook and Huonbrook Valley
We're working with ADF teams to clear the road into Huonbrook which has been impacted by significant landslides.
Survey control points are being established for slips at Huonbrook and Federal to monitor any potential ongoing movement.
Geotechnical test-drilling will start at Huonbrook next week and Council will secure drilling services to move on to Federal and other slips systematically.
Upper Coopers Creek - Englishes bridge
We're making good progress on Englishes bridge too! Our plan is to establish a temporary crossing first, to provide safe access for the community. Then we'll be replacing the current bridge. You'll see our crews and contractors on the ground next week working on the temporary crossing.
Report It, Report It, Report It
Thank you to everyone who has been able to report road damage via the Report It tab on Council's website.
Every piece of information has made a big difference. Please continue reporting any road damage you see – be as specific a as possible. Pin-point the locality or provide a street address, and send a photo if you can.
Please remember that smaller-scale damage reports will be lower down the repair priority list than those posing significant safety and access issues, so will take longer for the crews to get to.
Please avoid sight-seeing as it has been hampering operations.
People should continue to be careful driving around the Shire and check Live Traffic or the map on Council's emergency dashboard.
Locating plans and information for flood-impacted properties
If you need to find plans and information for insurance purposes for flood impacted buildings or structures on your property, there are two options available:
- Buildings approved from 2018 onwards
If the building or structure was approved and constructed from 2018 onwards, the information may be available online on Council's Application Tracker.
Select 'Search' from the menu and enter the property details.
If you need assistance contact Council's Development Support Officers 02 6626 7025.
If there is no information on the Application Tracker, refer to Option 2 to make an application to access informal information.
- Buildings approved before 2018
If the building or structure was approved and constructed before 2018, apply to Council to access informal information.
If you need help contact Council's Records Officers on 02 6626 7000.
Food businesses
Food businesses need to be aware that any food, food surfaces and cooking utensils that have come into contact with floodwater might be contaminated.
Use only drinking-quality (potable) water for activities on food premises such as washing up or rinsing.
Do not salvage canned food for resale.
Ensure that discarded food cannot be collected by member of the public.
Cleaning and sanitising food utensils, food contact surfaces and other surfaces
If your business or home has been flooded, or you're helping others with the clean-up, here are some helpful tips:
- Carefully check dishes, pots, pans, cutlery and kitchen equipment that may have been in contact with floodwater.
- Throw away damaged or cracked items made from porous material such as wood, plastic or rubber including wooden chopping boards as they cannot be adequately cleaned and sanitised.
- Wash utensils and surfaces in hot, soapy, drinking quality water. Take apart and clean the non-electrical pieces of any kitchen equipment that can be safely taken apart and rinse in hot water.
- Sanitise silverware, metal utensils, pots, plans and kitchen equipment in pieces by placing into boiling water for 10 mins.
- Sanitise dishes, glass, porcelain, china and enamel ware by placing in sanitising solution for 10 mins. You can make this yourself:
- Add 25ml of 4% non-fragranced household chlorine bleach to 5 litres of cold water.
- Rinse with drinking-quality water.
To clean cupboards and counters:
- Wipe down with hot soapy water
- Sanitise with a 200ppm chlorine bleach solution (before storing dishes or food).
Finally, it is best to air dry all the items you're cleaning (in case towels have been splashed with contaminated water).