CA Gov Unveils Comprehensive Plan for Conduct, Culture Change

National Defence

As comprehensive culture change efforts are taken within the Department of National Defence (DND) and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), there remains commitment to providing Canadians with clear updates on implementation plans, timelines, and priorities.

In December 2022, the Minister of National Defence presented a Report to Parliament on Culture Change Reforms in response to former Supreme Court Justice Louise Arbour's recommendations. The report detailed how the Government of Canada would respond to all 48 recommendations made by Madame Arbour in her Independent External Comprehensive Review of DND and the CAF.

Today, DND/CAF are taking another step forward by sharing with Canadians how the sequence of the implementation of 194 recommendations received in four reports, with timelines and clear pathways to implementation.

The Comprehensive Implementation Plan will guide culture change and military justice modernization efforts as well as other transformative changes through the implementation of recommendations from key external review reports in four phases over five years (2023-2028). The plan also includes implementation of some major policy initiatives that will have a direct impact on the lives of CAF members and their families.

Recommendations incorporated in the Plan

The Comprehensive Implementation Plan sequences, prioritizes, and ensures ongoing momentum for the implementation of recommendations from the following reports:

In total, there were 206 recommendations outlined in these four reports.

DND/CAF has already closed 12 recommendations because the analysis has shown that they will be addressed through other external recommendations or broader initiatives; or addressed by existing processes, structures, or legislative changes.

Going forward, DND/CAF intends to implement 194 of these external recommendations, focusing on meeting the underlying intent and spirit of each recommendation.

These measures complement external recommendations and address critical culture change efforts.

Comprehensive Implementation Plan timeline

The Comprehensive Implementation Plan establishes a phased approach over five years (2023-2028) for implementing 194 external recommendations. Detailed information on the recommendations included in each implementation phase is listed in the Comprehensive Implementation Plan; however, here is an overview:

Phase 1 - 53 recommendations were implemented by December 2023

The focus of Phase 1 was on advancing work across the four reports. This included amending processes related to providing support to affected persons, as well as further embedding diversity and inclusion in DND/CAF's structure and procedures.

Summary of recommendations implemented in Phase 1:

  • 19 IECR recommendations
  • 19 IR3 recommendations
  • 20 APR recommendations
  • 7 NAAC recommendations

Phase 2 - 54 recommendations to be completed by December 2024

The focus in Phase 2 is on continuing to progress IECR recommendations, while increasing the focus on the APR recommendations that require additional frameworks, processes, and engagement strategies to be effectively implemented. Work on the IR3 will also continue with the development of regulatory amendments related to Bill C-66, the Military Justice System Modernization Act, which was tabled in Parliament on March 21, 2024.

Summary of recommendations planned for implementation in Phase 2:

  • 13 IECR recommendations;
  • 19 IR3 recommendations;
  • 21 APR recommendations;
  • 1 NAAC recommendation, which would complete the implementation of this report.

Phase 3 - 46 recommendations to be completed by December 2025

The efforts of Phase 3 will be on implementing all remaining IECR recommendations, with a particular focus on recruitment, performance, and training. Specifically, DND/CAF intends to have implemented all IECR recommendations by the end of 2025.

Work will continue progressing the IR3 implementation to modernize the military justice system. Complete implementation of the final two APR recommendations is expected in this phase. DND/CAF also expects to complete the implementation of the three major policy initiatives.

Summary of recommendations planned for Phase 3:

  • 16 IECR recommendations, which would complete the implementation of this report;
  • 28 IR3 recommendations;
  • 2 APR recommendations, which would complete the implementation of this report.

Phase 4 - 41 recommendations to be completed from January 2026 to December 2028

The focus of Phase 4 will be on the remaining recommendations to modernize the military justice system.

Summary of recommendations planned for Phase 4:

  • 41 IR3 recommendations, which would complete the implementation of this report.

Culture change is an ongoing process and there may be adjustments as the plan is implemented. DND/CAF will continue to provide updates as the work progresses.

For more detailed information on the recommendations included in each implementation phase read the Comprehensive Implementation Plan.

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