Cabinet Sub-Committee Ushers in New Health Era

  • Health and Mental Health Minister Meredith Hammat to Chair new Cabinet Sub-Committee for Health Coordination
  • Cabinet Sub-Committee to include Ministers for Health Infrastructure, Preventative Health, Aged Care and Seniors and Medical Research
  • Bold team approach to health to pursue Cook Government's vision for Western Australia to be the healthiest state in the nation

A newly formed Cabinet Sub-Committee will oversee a new team approach to the delivery of public health in Western Australia.

The sub-committee will be chaired by Meredith Hammat, and will include Health Infrastructure Minister John Carey, Aged Care and Seniors Minister Simone McGurk, Preventative Health Minister Sabine Winton and Medical Research Minister Stephen Dawson.

The sub-committee will provide a collaborative framework for policy development and decision making, in the pursuit of the Cook Government's vision for Western Australia to be the healthiest state in the nation.

As Health Minister, Ms Hammat will have responsibility for the operational aspects of Western Australia's public hospitals and ambulance services.

As Mental Health Minister, Ms Hammat will be joined by Preventative Health Minister Sabine Winton in the effort to improve the wellbeing of Western Australians and reduce demand on our public hospitals over the long term.

Health Infrastructure Minister John Carey will drive the delivery of new capacity in WA's health system. This includes the newWomen's and Babies Hospital project and associated works at Osborne Park and Perth Children's Hospital, as well as emergency department upgrades at Royal Perth and Midland.

Minister Carey will also oversee the delivery of the Cook Government's regional health infrastructure commitments, which include major redevelopments at Peel Health Campus, Bunbury Regional Hospital, Albany Health Campus and Geraldton Health Campus.

Minister Simone McGurk will be responsible for Aged Care and Seniors, a portfolio designed to work with the Commonwealth to deliver more aged care places and free up beds in Western Australia's hospitals.

Medical Research Minister Stephen Dawson will lead work to support our health system and the health of Western Australians by ensuring our State is a leader in vital research and innovation.

As stated by Premier Roger Cook:

"As a result of Western Australia having the strongest economy in the nation, we also have the fastest growing population in the nation, and this has created challenges in areas like health and housing.

"I have said my new government will tackle every challenge with energy and determination, which is what this bold new collaborative approach to health is all about.

"Taking a team approach to health will enable us to pursue my government's vision for Western Australia to be the healthiest state in the nation.

"This is about improving the health and wellbeing of Western Australians, to reduce demand on our public health system over time, while ensuring that our emergency departments and hospitals have the capacity they need to provide care for Western Australians when they need it.

"But we also need the Commonwealth to step up to ensure Western Australia has the GPs and aged care beds we need, to free up capacity in our emergency departments and hospitals - and our new Cabinet Sub-Committee will help coordinate engagement with Canberra.

"As Minister for Health and Mental Health and Chair of the Cabinet Sub-Committee for Health Coordination, Meredith Hammat will be our lead Minister for the portfolio and overseeing the Department of Health.

"Ms Hammat brings a lifetime of experience in leadership roles and in engagement with the public sector workers to her roles, which will be invaluable, given the importance of our public health workforce to the overall health effort."

As stated by Health and Mental Health Minister Meredith Hammat:

"The new Cabinet Sub-Committee for health that I will Chair as Health Minister will work hard every single day to deliver for all Western Australians, no matter where they live in our vast State.

"The Premier has been clear - it's time for a new era when it comes to health, and that is exactly what we will deliver.

"This bold approach will enable fresh, proactive and collaborative thinking that will boost how we deal with challenges in health and deliver services and infrastructure in a new and innovative way that benefits our community".

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