Cabonne Community Assistance Program Round 2 Open


Does your sporting organisation, school or charitable group need financial assistance of sponsorship?

Community groups in Cabonne are being urged to apply for Council grants to improve the liveability of their areas.

Applications are open for the Cabonne Community Assistance Program (CAP) grants, which are designed to provide an ongoing or sustainable benefit to Cabonne communities.

In order to be eligible for the Cabonne Community Assistance Program (CAP), groups must be a not-for-profit organisation in the Cabonne Local Government Area and be undertaking a project on non-commercial facilities within the Shire.

Each project will be judged on its merits and the relative benefit it will return to the community. Applications for 2024/25 Round 2 will close at 5:00pm on Wednesday, 2 April 2025.

For further details, and to apply click here.

You can also contact Council on (02) 6392 3200 if you have any questions.

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