Caffeine on Mornington Peninsula goes green


We've partnered with Green Caffeen to bring an eco-friendly coffee solution to the Mornington Peninsula.

Businesses, visitors and locals alike can get involved with the free swap and go reusable cup program, to help reduce the community's reliance on single-use coffee cups.

How does it work?

Coffee drinkers simply:

  • Download the Green Caffeen app and tap 'grab, swap or drop'.
  • Purchase your drink at participating cafes and scan the Green Caffeen code.
  • Return your empty cup to the same cafe or any other participating café.

You then grab a fresh cup the next time you order your coffee! As long as the cup is returned within 30 days, it's completely free to use, just pay for the coffee.

Download the Green Caffeen app today from the App Store or Google Plus!

I'm a local café, how can I join the program?

Free for businesses to join, simply register your interest online

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