The challenges of the last two years have highlighted the commitment of the many amazing individuals who are part of the Wollondilly community.

Council is calling for nominations of people who live and volunteer in Wollondilly, who would be worthy recipients for an Australia Day Award.
It may be someone who runs the local sporting group or volunteers with the fire brigade, or someone who helps out at the school or the local RSL branch.
Mayor Robert Khan said, "Lockdown is the perfect time to think about the people who deserve acknowledgment for their outstanding contributions in the Wollondilly community."
"Rather than putting it off this year, why not head to Council's website and put in your nominations ready for Australia Day 2022."
"We are looking forward to celebrating the day in January, hopefully together in person. I look forward to welcoming our newest citizens to Wollondilly and celebrating the achievements of our Australia Day nominees."
Wollondilly's Australia Day Award Nominations close 15 December, 2021. Categories for this year include:
• Citizen of the Year
• Young Citizen of the Year
• Environmental Citizen of the Year
• Achiever of the Year (Open Age)
• Sportsperson of the Year (Open Age)
• Local Hero/Community Group
• Disability Inclusion Award
Nomination Form
Nomination forms are available here.