The Palaszczuk Government is putting the call out for young people in Mt Isa and North West Queensland to share what matters to them at a special Speak Out event to be held on Tuesday, September 21.
Youth Affairs Minister Meaghan Scanlon said building on the popularity of similar sessions held in Cairns and Rockhampton earlier this year, the Palaszczuk Government would host a forum at the Mount Isa PCYC from 10.30am to 1pm to talk about the opportunities and challenges young people in the region face, particularly in the face of COVID-19.
"Young people deserve a seat at the table, in shaping their region and our state's future," Minister Scanlon said.
The event comes off the back of announcements by the government to continue free TAFE for under-25s, as well as another $320 million in the budget for the popular Skilling Queenslanders for Work program to help jump-start Queensland's COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan.
"The issues that matter to young people in North West Queensland are different to the issues that matter to youth in Cairns, central Queensland and the south east – and I want to hear about it.
"That's my job as Youth Affairs Minister: to represent and help address the issues of young people direct to government.
"We've seen what can happen when government collaborates directly with young people. At Cloncurry State School, we're delivering a $500,000 upgrade to welding and metal work facilities, because that's what the community told us they needed.
The event will be open to young people aged 15 to 25-years-old, and will be split into three sessions around what matters to young people, how the government can continue to protect the environment, and what issues young people think matters to their community.
"Whether it's jobs, education, health, sport, consent or any matter – this is the chance to speak directly with the government.
"Queensland's economic recovery will be driven by young Queenslanders. And it's our government's job to back them, to make sure they have the access they need to a good education, skills, housing and the vital services they need."
Mount Isa Mayor Danielle Slade said:
"This is the ideal opportunity for young people in Mount Isa to speak one on one with a State Government Minister.
"I encourage anyone who is interested in speaking up and letting Minister Scanlon know about issues that matter to them to come along to this session."
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