Calling Aspiring Police From Across Gippsland

Local police will be answering the burning questions for people interested in joining the force in a major recruitment event.

The event - to be held online on April 14 - has been especially designed for people living in Sale, Orbost, Bairnsdale and Yarram.

The areas have been identified as key priorities for Victoria Police with multiple positions available.

The online recruitment session aims to provide a first-hand insight into the opportunities a career in policing can provide.

The force is especially keen to encourage locals wanting to stay and work in the area after completing their training.

Under an initiative introduced last year country residents can be matched to a spot back at a regional location once they've graduated.

This means they avoid the ballot process where police can be assigned to any station, which can be a major deterrent for some applicants.

It also recognises the value of having country people working in country locations for not only career fulfillment but ensuring strong community connections.

Bairnsdale, Orbost and Sale are among country locations recruits can choose to work.

Police attending next month's recruitment event will speak about what it's like to work in a regional town as well as take questions from the audience.

The session will also cover the recruitment process as well as the financial benefits and allowances.

Victoria Police offers seven months paid training, an annual starting salary of $76,927 plus allowances and nine weeks paid leave a year.

While the force looks for people with life experience for many of its recruits, people who've recently finished secondary school or taken a gap year are also encouraged to apply.

Applicants do not need to have completed the Victorian Certificate of Education or Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning but must be aged at least 18.

Victoria Police has removed the requirement for a range of applicants to sit the police entrance exam.

This includes those who in the last five years have achieved a specified bachelor degree, been employed as a firefighter or paramedic or served full-time with the Australian Defence Force.

Victoria Police is in the midst of its biggest ever recruitment drive to fill more than 1000 vacancies across the state.

The recruitment session will be held on 14 April from 6pm-7pm.

Attendees are asked to register online at

Quotes attributable to Acting Sgt Samantha Morris, Bairnsdale Police:

"Policing is a challenging, rewarding career and you are making a real difference in the community.

"There's no doubt it can be a tough job and it takes a special person to do it.

"We hope events like these will help us find those people.

"If you've ever thought about policing, this is your chance to find out more about the many opportunities a career with the force can provide.

"We look forward to meeting the future police of our area there."

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