Campaspe Shire will be flying rainbow flags over the next fortnight in celebration of WorldPride 2023. WorldPride is an event that promotes visibility and awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQA+) issues on an international level. This year WorldPride is being held in Sydney, which is the first time the event has been held in the southern hemisphere. Campaspe residents can expect to see flags and footpath stickers which display the 'Progress Pride Flag'.
The LGBTIQA+ community was identified as one of the nine 'communities of priority' in Council's Access and Inclusion Strategy 2020 – 26 which sets out a commitment to equal participation and inclusion in the community.
Campaspe Shire Mayor Cr Rob Amos said that the flags and stickers were a signal to residents that Council values inclusion and is making real steps to show all members of the community they are valued.
"We hope that by displaying the Progress Pride flags and stickers within our towns, that LGBTIQA+ people feel seen and respected as part of our community."
The proposal to fly the flags during WorldPride 2023 was initiated by Russell Weston, a former Campaspe resident and proud Yorta Yorta man who is the regional representative to the international association of LGBTIQA+ pride organisers known as InterPride. In 2020 he made history by being the first First Nations and indigenous person to be elected as the regional representative of Australia and Oceania since the establishment of InterPride 40 years earlier. Mr Weston holds an impressive resume of experience, being heavily involved with InterPride as a Board Director, Co-Chair Of Grants Committee, World Pride Committee Member, Human Rights and Diversity Committee Member and Global Advisory Council Member. He is also the Co-Founder and Chairperson of First Nations Rainbow, an organisation who brings together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who are part of the LGBTIQA+ community and is the former Co-Chair of Koorie Pride Victoria.
Mr Weston said that he was excited to see the flags flying as it acknowledges LGBTIQA+ people and demonstrates that they are a valued by the wider community.
"By Council raising these flags, it shows the progress of LGBTIQA+ rights and encourages people to understand that in diversity is unity.
"This will amplify the presence of LGBTIQA+ people in the community, especially for the younger generation who might be questioning their gender or sexuality, and reassure them that they are not alone," Mr Weston said.