Campaspe Murray Biz Connect Event Seeks Attendees

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Local businesses are invited to an evening of networking and inspiration at the inaugural Campaspe Murray Business Connect, featuring Antarctic expedition leader David Knoff as the keynote speaker.

Hosted by Murray River Council and Campaspe Shire Council, the event aims to support business connections and leadership growth across the region.

Taking place on Wednesday, 30 April 2025, this exciting event will provide attendees with a rare opportunity to hear David Knoff's incredible story.

As station leader at the Davis Research Station in Antarctica, David was leading 24 expeditioners in a standard mission when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, international travel came to a standstill and their ride home was cancelled - indefinitely.

Facing unprecedented challenges, David was forced to navigate extreme isolation and uncertainty with resilience and adaptability as he led his team through 537 days of winter.

Murray River Council Mayor, Cr John Harvie is encouraging local business professionals to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

"This event is about bringing our business community together, fostering connections, and learning from an extraordinary leader."

"David Knoff's experience in Antarctica will offer invaluable insights into resilience, leadership, and navigating challenges—skills that are essential for business success," Cr Harvie said.

Campaspe Shire Council Mayor, Cr Daniel Mackrell echoed the sentiment, highlighting the benefits of professional networking.

"Strong business networks are crucial for growth and innovation. This event is an excellent opportunity for business owners and professionals to meet, exchange ideas, and gain new perspectives."

"We encourage businesses from across both councils to attend," Cr Mackrell said.

Campaspe Murray Business Connect is open to businesses across the Murray River Council and Campaspe Shire Council local government areas.


Campaspe Murray Business Connect

  • Wednesday, 30 April 2025
  • 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
  • Moama Bowling Club
  • Tickets: $45 per person
  • Light Dinner Provided – Grazing and Canapes

Register now either via or

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