Campaspe Shire Council's Flood Recovery and Waste and Environment Departments are hosting four Weeds, Waste and Invasive Species information sessions in March.
The sessions in Gunbower, Toolleen, Tongala and Rushworth will feature a range of guest speakers on relevant issues to assist with the prosperity of their property.
Mayor, Cr Rob Amos said the sessions will help educate the community on how to care for their land more efficiently and aims to provide tips and advice for landowners.
"The four sessions have been planned in collaboration with Agriculture Victoria, North Central Catchment Management Authority, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority and Goulburn Murray Landcare Network.
"All sessions will feature a presentation by Jim Castles, a consultant who specialises in pest plant and animal control, habitat protection and enhancement and threatened species projects. He will be providing information on his recent assessment of weeds and native vegetation in the region and how to identify weeds and control methods. Other presentations will include:
- The One for One Program from North Central Catchment Management Authority.
- Available biosecurity and agriculture services from Agriculture Victoria.
- Grants available in the northern region from Agriculture Victoria.
"There's a great range of topics being covered in the presentations, particularly with increased weeds and waste across our shire as a result of the flooding events over the past few years.
"Community members will be encouraged to join in a Q&A segment at the end of the presentations and there will also be opportunities for one-on-one discussions with presenters. The sessions are free, however bookings are required for catering purposes.
Bookings can be made via the listings in the Events Directory on Council's website.