Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
On June 3, 2022, the Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development, together with René Arseneault, Member of Parliament for Madawaska-Restigouche, announced $55 million in federal funding for Rogers and Xplornet to bring high-speed Internet access to rural communities throughout New Brunswick. Project details will be announced over the coming months.
The communities that will benefit from improved Internet speeds include:
- Acadieville
- Andersonville
- Arbeau Settlement
- Baie-Sainte-Anne
- Baillie
- Baker Brook
- Barnaby River
- Barnesville
- Bartholomew
- Bartibog
- Bass River
- Basswood Ridge
- Baxters Corner
- Bayside
- Bayswater
- Beaconsfield
- Bedell Settlement
- Belledune
- Belleisle Creek
- Belleville
- Benton
- Berryton
- Bertrand
- Bethel
- Bettsburg
- Black Rock
- Blissfield
- Bocabec
- Brockway
- Bull Lake
- Burton
- Burtts Corner
- Cains River
- Calders Head
- California Settlement
- Canaan Forks
- Canaan Station
- Canoose
- Cape Tormentine
- Cardigan
- Carlisle
- Carlow
- Carrolls Crossing
- Carsonville
- Carters Point
- Cedar Camp
- Central Blissville
- Central Greenwich
- Central Waterville
- Chambers Settlement
- Chamcook
- Chance Harbour
- Clarendon
- Clifton
- Clifton Royal
- Cloverdale
- Coles Island
- Colpitts Settlement
- Cumberland Bay
- Curventon
- Debec
- Divide
- Doaktown
- Doyles Brook
- Dundas
- Durham Bridge
- East Brighton
- Eel River Lake
- Elgin
- Elmsville
- Elmwood
- Escuminac
- Evandale
- Exmoor
- Fairfield
- Fairhaven
- Flume Ridge
- Forest City
- Forest Glen
- Four Falls
- Fredericton Junction
- Gagetown
- Gallagher Ridge
- Gaspereau Forks
- Giants Glen
- Gladeside
- Glassville
- Glenwood
- Gordonsville
- Grand Lake Road
- Grand Manan
- Green Hill
- Green Mountain
- Green Road
- Grove Hill
- Halcomb
- Harcourt
- Harewood
- Hartley Settlement
- Harvey
- Hatfield Point
- Havelock
- Hazelton
- Henderson Settlement
- Highfield
- Honeydale
- Howard
- Howard Brook
- Hunters Home
- Indian Mountain
- Jackson Falls
- Johnson Settlement
- Johnville
- Juniper
- Kedgwick River
- Keenans
- Kingsley
- Kinnear Settlement
- Kirkland
- Knowlesville
- Kouchibouguac
- Lac Baker
- Lake Edward
- Lake George
- Lakeville Corner
- Landry
- Lawrence Station
- Lee Settlement
- Lepreau
- Limestone
- Little Bartibog
- Little Ridge
- Little River
- Local Service District of Drummond
- Local Service District of Grand Falls
- Local Service District of Saint-Basile
- Local Service District of Saint-Jacques
- Local Service District of Sainte-Anne
- Long Creek
- Lower Kintore
- Lynnfield
- Mainstream
- Mann Mountain
- Maple Grove
- Maplewood
- Markhamville
- Marrtown
- Mascarene
- Maxwell
- McAdam
- McGivney
- McKees Mills
- McNamee
- McQuade
- Medford
- Midland
- Miramichi Road
- Mispec
- Mohannes
- Morrell Siding
- Napan
- Nelson Hollow
- Nepisiguit Falls
- New Bandon
- New Canaan
- New Denmark
- New Scotland
- Newtown
- North Forks
- Norton
- Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes
- Oak Hill
- Oakland
- Oakville
- Parlee Brook
- Pearsonville
- Penobsquis
- Picadilly
- Pokeshaw
- Pollett River
- Pomeroy Ridge
- Pondstream
- Priceville
- Ratter Corner
- Red Bank
- Richmond Settlement
- Riverbank
- Rogersville-Ouest
- Rollingdam
- Rosaireville
- Royalton
- Rusagonis
- Sackville
- Saint-André
- Saint-Charles
- Saint-Francois-de-Madawaska
- Saint-Ignace
- Saint-Joseph-de-Madawaska
- Saint-Léonard-Parent
- Saint-Maurice
- Saint-Paul
- Saint-Sauveur
- Sainte-Marie-de-Kent
- Salmon River Road
- Scotch Lake
- Scotch Ridge
- Scott Siding
- Searsville
- Sevogle
- Shannon
- Shenstone
- Snider Mountain
- Sormany
- South Branch
- South Canaan
- Springfield
- St. Croix
- Stickney
- Stonehaven
- Storeytown
- Summerfield
- Summerville
- Swan Creek
- Tay Creek
- Taymouth
- Three Tree Creek
- Tilley
- Tinker
- Tracey Mills
- Upper Blackville
- Upper Derby
- Upper Kintore
- Upper Mills
- Upper Rockport
- Upsalquitch
- Utopia
- Waterford
- Waterside
- Waweig
- Wayerton
- Weaver Siding
- Welsford
- Welshpool
- West Branch
- Weston
- Wheaton Settlement
- Wickham
- Windsor
- Yoho
/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.