The Government of Canada recognizes the mining sector as an important economic driver in Canada. However, mining projects can sometimes have significant adverse environmental effects - effects that matter to Canadians. In these instances, the government must take specific and targeted actions to protect the environment and its wildlife for future generations.
After careful deliberation, the Government of Canada has determined the significant adverse environmental effects of the proposed Sukunka Coal Mine Project, an open-pit metallurgical coal mine located near Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia, could not be mitigated. The project therefore cannot proceed.
Today, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, issued a Decision Statement to this effect under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012.
In keeping with the principle of "one project, one assessment" and the substitution provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding, the project assessment was conducted by British Columbia on behalf of the Government of Canada. The project underwent a thorough and science-based environmental assessment, which included extensive and meaningful consultations with the public and Indigenous groups. The review benefited from Indigenous knowledge, feedback received during public consultations, and scientific and technical expertise from federal departments. In making the determination on the project, Minister Guilbeault took into account the conclusions of British Columbia's Assessment Report.
British Columbia's Assessment Report concluded the project would have adverse impacts across a number of areas related to:
- Southern Mountain caribou (Quintette herd) and its critical habitat (a species listed as threatened under the Species at Risk Act);
- Grizzly bear due to increased mortality (a species listed as one of special concern under the Species at Risk Act);
- The discharge of mercury and selenium into local waterbodies; and
- The physical and cultural heritage, current use of lands and resources for traditional purposes and health and socio-economic conditions of Indigenous peoples, related to the above effects.
This decision does not prevent Glencore, or other proponents, from submitting new project proposals and does not preclude other potential developments. Potential future proposals would be assessed in accordance with the Impact Assessment Act, which came into force in August 2019.
The Government of Canada would like to thank all the participants for their invaluable comments received throughout the review process, as well as all the scientific advice and Indigenous knowledge received from various experts. This information resulted in a robust and thorough environmental assessment, and with supportive evidence, the government was well-positioned to make an informed decision on the project.