Canada Backs 12 Montréal Groups to Boost Economy

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

CED grants nearly $4.5 million for projects that will contribute to the start‍-‍up, growth and increased profile of organizations in the metropolitan region.

Supporting business growth and innovation contributes to economic development in Quebec's regions. Montréal counts several dynamic, resilient businesses and organizations with innovative ideas that are helping to weave a strong economic fabric.

That is why the Honourable Marc Miller, Member of Parliament for Ville‍-‍Marie-Le Sud‍-‍Ouest-Île‍-‍des‍-‍Sœurs and Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, today announced, on behalf of the Honourable Pascale St‍-‍Onge, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for CED, a total of $4,379,239 in financial assistance from CED to support 12 promising projects for Montréal.

The recipients are the World Trade Centre Montréal, Maxa AI, Glycovax Pharma, SuccessFinder, Axya, DeepSight Réalité Augmentée, Quantolio Financial Technologies, Aeponyx Enterprises, Flexter, Geodar, AI Into and Tokidos.

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