Canada Backs 44th Montréal International Jazz Festival

Canadian Heritage

The Festival International de Jazz de Montréal returns again this summer, with 10 days of must-see, often free concerts on the streets and stages of the Quartier des spectacles in Montréal. It features performances by some of the biggest names in jazz that are sure to delight music fans.

Today, the Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Minister of Canadian Heritage, and the Honourable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec (CED), announced funding for the Festival.

Canadian Heritage is investing $800,000 in the 2024 festival through the Canada Arts Presentation Fund. This funding will allow the Festival to offer fans a talented lineup and to welcome a diverse range of artists.

In Budget 2024, the Government of Canada announced it will boost the Canada Arts Presentation Fund by $31 million over two years, which will help bring communities together for festivals and arts performances that unite us in celebrating the best of what Canada has to offer.

CED announced non-repayable financial contributions totalling $2,062,125 for the festivals in 2022, 2023 and 2024. This support will help market and promote the festival and support new product development.

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