Canada Backs Electra Battery's Critical Minerals Plan

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

March 21, 2025 - Temiskaming Shores, Ontario

The federal government is committed to expanding Canada's critical minerals value chains to power clean technologies. The growing demand for critical minerals represents a generational opportunity for Canada to build the strongest economy in the G7, anchor supply chains and support the shift to a net-zero economy.

Today, Marc G. Serré, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, on behalf of the Honourable Anita Anand, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, welcomed Electra Battery Materials' (Electra) proposal to transform its Temiskaming Shores facility into a cobalt sulfate refinery production plant.

This proposal will support Canada's position as a key player in the critical mineral and electric vehicle (EV) battery industry. Electra will process one of the six critical minerals identified as a priority under the Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy. Canadian cobalt sulphate production will enable the automotive industry to have access to necessary battery materials, and it will encourage the growth of several sectors such as EVs, medical therapeutics and defence manufacturing.

Canada is strongest when we are united. There should be one Canadian economy, not thirteen. Creating one Canadian economy will create higher paying jobs, improve affordability, and strengthen our national security.

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