Canada Backs Innovation Boost in Mining Sector

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

The growing global demand for critical minerals provides a great opportunity for Canada's mining sector and the Canadian economy. The Government of Canada continues to support innovations to strengthen Canada's international leadership.

Today, Viviane Lapointe, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Official Languages and Associate Minister of Public Safety, on behalf of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announced an investment of $5 million in the Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation Inc. (CEMI) to support the Mining Innovation Commercialization Accelerator (MICA) Network.

Headquartered in Sudbury, Ontario, MICA has developed an ecosystem to modernize mining, improve productivity and environmental performance, strengthen the industry's supply chain, and increase the domestic and export sales of innovative products across the country.

Since its creation in 2021, MICA has supported the creation of over 435 jobs and mobilized investments of approximately $170 million from the private sector.

This investment will support Canada's mining sector in delivering minerals to the world more quickly and efficiently, expediting the global shift toward net zero, and positioning Canada as a leader in the global market for net-zero technologies. This project supports the Government of Canada's goal of making Canada a leading producer of zero-emission products and technologies.

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