Canada Backs National RCMP Museum Plan

Prairies Economic Development Canada

Transition will ensure the museum continues to evolve as a place of learning and reflection for all Canadians

Canada has been home to the "Mounties" since 1873, and for the last 140 years, these distinctively Canadian police officers have trained in Regina. Their iconic red serge dress uniforms are recognized globally, and the RCMP Musical Ride, performed across Canada and around the world, is a uniquely Canadian demonstration of equestrian skills - both paying tribute to the force's 19th-century origins as a mounted police service in the Canadian West.

The RCMP Heritage Centre was established in 2007 on the grounds of the RCMP Academy in Regina to share and celebrate the rich and evolving history of Canada's national police force in the place where it started. Recognizing the importance of telling our own story, on our own terms, the Government of Canada is supporting the RCMP Heritage Centre's transition to a national museum. This will help ensure that Canadians continue to have control over how we commemorate and understand our shared history.

Yesterday, the Honourable Terry Duguid, Minister for PrairiesCan, reaffirmed the Government of Canada's commitment to transitioning the RCMP Heritage Centre into a national museum in a call with Sam Karikas, the Centre's CEO. Building on $3 million in funding announced in Budget 2024 and $12 million in the 2024 Fall Economic Statement, this transition will ensure the museum continues to evolve as a place of learning and reflection for all Canadians.

As part of this transition, the museum will work to better reflect the full breadth of the RCMP's history, including its complex relationship with Indigenous Peoples and its evolving role in reconciliation efforts. Preserving our national institutions and historical narratives remains a key part of ensuring our sovereignty and cultural identity.

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