Canada Backs PEI Rural Transit Expansion

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

Public transit in Eastern Prince Edward Island will be more accessible after an investment of more than $650,000 from the federal and provincial governments, the Provincial Credit Union, Transportation East Inc., and the Rotary Club of Montague and Eastern PEI.

This project helped Transportation East Inc. purchase four wheelchair accessible and two hybrid vehicles to expand their on-demand transit services in Kings County. These investments will enhance the quality of life of residents while making it easier for transit users to go about their day-to-day activities including going to work, attend medical appointments, participate in social activities and visit loved ones.

The RTSF complements Canada's strengthened climate plan: A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy. Through the plan the federal government has committed to providing federal funding for public transit in support of making clean and affordable transportation available in every community.

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