Canada Backs Switch to Electric School Buses

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

Preparing for a net-zero carbon future, the Government of Canada and First Canada ULC are investing in electric school buses. A combined contribution of close to $1 million, through the Zero Emission Transit Fund (ZETF), will help to increase First Canada's readiness for fleet electrification.

The transition from conventional diesel vehicles to electric requires important planning and preparation. This investment will support First Canada ULC to complete the necessary studies and collect the data needed to eventually move toward a zero emission bus fleet. The planning studies will help analyze routes and operations, assess risk, identify utility and facility requirements, assist with costs estimates, and determine project feasibility. Once complete, this project will increase First Canada ULC's readiness to transition to a zero emission bus fleet.

First Canada ULC provides school bus transportation services, operating buses in six provinces and one territory.

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