Canada Backs Thorold Business Expansion

Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

Thorold, Ontario

The Niagara region is a hub for innovation with strengths across key sectors like manufacturing, agri-business and tourism. The Government of Canada is committed to supporting businesses as they drive sustainable growth and innovation, and help to shape a strong future for southern Ontario's economy.

Today, the Honourable Ruby Sahota, Minister of Democratic Institutions and Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), visited Destiny Copper Inc. (Destiny Copper). She was accompanied by Vance Badawey, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport and Internal Trade and Member of Parliament for Niagara Centre; and Chris Bittle, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities and to the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development and Member of Parliament for St. Catharines. Together, they learned how the company is using an innovative, environmentally-friendly process developed in Canada to produce copper powder from mining and industrial waste.

While there, Minister Sahota announced a $2.5 million repayable investment for Destiny Copper to scale production of their high-quality copper powder. This powder is upcycled from mining and industrial waste, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing a sustainable solution to meet the growing demand for copper in clean energy applications and can be used across various industries, including clean energy generation, electronics and electric vehicle industries.

This investment underscores the Government of Canada's ongoing commitment to supporting our businesses as they foster sustainable, homegrown innovation while contributing to the growth of southern Ontario and Canada's economy.

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