Canada Bolsters Sanctions on Russia Over Ukraine War

Global Affairs Canada

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today announced that Canada is imposing additional sanctions under the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations in coordination with Canada's international partners at the G7 Summit in Italy, which is being held from June 13 to 15, 2024.

These sanctions target many individuals and entities implicated in disinformation and propaganda operations, including those identified by Rapid Response Mechanism Canada. They also include entities in Russia's military-industrial complex that supply key technology and electrical components in support of Russia's war efforts. In addition, the sanctions target entities involved in sanctions circumvention that facilitate Russia's access to sanctioned goods or to revenue from oil sold above the G7 price cap.

Today's announcement also includes export prohibitions related to computer numerically controlled machine tools that Russia could use in the production and manufacturing of weapons. These prohibitions, which align Canada's measures with other countries who have implemented Tier IV (B) of the Common High Priority Items List, prohibit persons in Canada and Canadians abroad from providing these items to Russia.

The measures announced today are consistent with Canada's longstanding support for Ukraine and aim to disrupt Russia's ability to wage its unlawful war by limiting access to components necessary for Russia's military efforts, denying Russia revenue it uses to fund its illegal war and undermining its disinformation operations.

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