Canada Boosts Climate Adaptation for Northern Safety

Natural Resources Canada

Across the country, the impacts of climate change are becoming more severe and more frequent with extreme events like floods, wildfires and heatwaves on the rise. Gradual changes, like thawing permafrost in the north and rising sea levels in coastal regions, are also affecting the safety of our communities and quality of life. Acting now will help improve long-term resilience and reduce costs associated with the increasing frequency of extreme weather events in Canada, including higher grocery prices, insurance premiums and local taxes to cover the costs of disaster recovery and damage.

To protect our communities from the worst economic and environmental impacts of climate change, we must continue to prepare for the changes that are coming by investing in community resilience. This will not only support the safety of Canadians but also reinforce the ability of communities to recover from extreme weather events.

Today, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, the Honourable Gary Anandasangaree, the Honourable Terry Duguid, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Member of Parliament Michael McLeod and Member of Parliament Brendan Hanley announced over $12.1 million in funding for thirteen projects in the North and across Canada under Natural Resources Canada's Climate Change Adaptation Program (CCAP) and the Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities (CRCC) Program.

These projects aim to support regions and sectors in the North and across Canada adapt to a changing climate by developing tools and resources and implementing actions to reduce climate change risks and build adaptation capacity. Some projects will also work with rural, remote and Indigenous communities; First Nations; and stakeholders to facilitate knowledge sharing and develop adaptation actions and pathways.

The funding announced today comes from a total investment of over $46 million for 63 projects through the CCAP and the CRCC Program to reduce climate change risks and build more resilient communities across the country in support of the National Adaptation Strategy (NAS).

The steps we take now will protect our communities, our livelihoods, our environment and our economy. We are actively investing in climate change adaptation to proactively support community-led resilience and adaptation projects. It is essential, now more than ever, that we come together to help communities stay strong in the face of current and future change.

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