Canada Boosts Protections Against Online Child Exploitation

Public Safety Canada

Ottawa, Ontario

Today, the Honourable David J. McGuinty, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, announced $39.7 million in federal funding to protect children and youth from online sexual exploitation.

Local Internet Child Exploitation Units in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick are now receiving up to $21.5 million through to 2027 via the Contribution Program to Combat Serious and Organized Crime to support their investigative capacity.

Police across the country work tirelessly to prevent these crimes against children, and bring perpetrators to justice. With this funding, Internet Child Exploitation Units will be able to hire and train more staff and purchase the specialized tools and equipment necessary to support their investigations.

  • Ontario Provincial Police received $7,543,975
  • Sûreté du Québec and Ministère de la sécurité publique du Québec received $5,557,900
  • British Columbia policing services received $3,536,842
  • Edmonton Police Service and Calgary Police Service received $3,028,000
  • Halifax Regional Police, Cape Breton Regional Police and multiple municipal agencies in Nova Scotia received $757,895
  • Regina Police Service and Saskatoon Police Service received $548,018
  • Kennebecasis Regional Police Service received $505,264

In addition, $18.2 million through to 2029, will be provided to the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P) to continue its vital work in protecting children from online sexual exploitation and respond to increasing demand for its services.

C3P provides public education and assists survivors and their families through advocacy, research, and resources. It has been a key partner under the National Strategy for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation on the Internet (National Strategy) since its inception in 2004.

The Government of Canada, through the National Strategy, is committed to protecting children from sexual exploitation of any kind. This investment and our continued partnership with law enforcement agencies and organizations like C3P are crucial to Canada's fight against this heinous crime.

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