Canada Commits $25M for Net-Zero McMichael Art Home

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

Today, the Honourable Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, Francesco Sorbara, Member of Parliament for Vaughan-Woodbridge, and Sarah Milroy, Executive Director and Chief Curator of the McMichael Canadian Art Collection, announced a federal investment of $25 million through the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program.

The current facility will be renovated and expanded to meet net-zero carbon building standards. The project will increase the exhibition area, upgrade and modernize art-handling facilities, meet current accessibility standards, and provide additional space for public events and artistic performances. As one-third of McMichael's collection is Indigenous, the project will also help to further integrate and share Indigenous art and teaching.

The federal government recognizes the importance of community spaces and remains committed to strengthening and revitalizing Canadian communities, ensuring we remain connected through common interest and shared spaces.

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