Canada Funds Humanitarian Aid in Lebanon 22 March

Global Affairs Canada

The situation throughout Lebanon, including in Beirut, remains volatile and unpredictable due to the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. Food insecurity, market disruptions, and mass displacement have led to an urgent need for shelter, food, clean water and hygiene products in Lebanon. Attacks on healthcare workers and health infrastructure have severely limited the ability of civilians to access basic and critical healthcare services. Canada is working with experienced humanitarian partners, including UN, the Red Cross and NGOs, to provide life-saving assistance to those who desperately need it.

Today, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, announced $29.7 million in funding to provide critical assistance in Lebanon, including food, medical and health services, shelter and clean water.

Canada remains firm in calling for all parties to respect the Israel-Lebanon ceasefire agreement, ensure a complete cessation of hostilities and uphold international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians. Canada also calls for the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2286 to ensure the protection of humanitarian and medical personnel and allow them to continue to deliver life-saving assistance to those in need.

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