Transport Canada
Transport Canada's Marine Safety Equipment and Training (MSET) Initiative provides funding to Indigenous communities along the Trans Mountain Expansion Project marine shipping route to purchase marine safety equipment and provide training to community members. It is part of the Government of Canada's commitment to listen, engage, and work with Indigenous communities to respond to marine safety concerns.
In total, $2.3 million in funding was announced through the MSET Initiative in this round of the program.
Some of the recipients include:
- Ucluelet First Nation (Maa-nulth): $306,705 - Funded under two separate projects, the funds will support the purchase and installation of safety equipment on 40 vessels total, the purchase of personal marine safety equipment for 160 community members, and for the training of 96 individuals.
- Uchucklesaht Tribe (Maa-nulth): $156,125 - The project will support the purchase and installation of safety equipment on three vessels and the purchase of personal marine safety equipment for 13 community members.
- Snuneymuxw First Nation: $100,699 - The project will support the purchase and installation of safety equipment on ten vessels and the purchase of personal marine safety equipment for 15 community members.
- Ditidaht First Nation: $173,761 - The project will support the purchase and installation of safety equipment on 25 vessels and the purchase of personal marine safety equipment for 23 community members.
- Halalt First Nation: $49,500 - The project will support the purchase and installation of safety equipment on six vessels and the purchase of personal marine safety equipment for two community members.
- Toquaht Nation (Maa-nulth): $32,299 - The project will support the purchase and installation of safety equipment on three vessels and the purchase of personal marine safety equipment for 12 community members.
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