Canada Funds New Brunswick Infrastructure Boost

Canadian Heritage

Our two official languages are an integral part of our Canadian identity. The Government of Canada is committed to supporting official-language minority communities across the country. It also recognizes the importance of having community infrastructure that allows people to come together, share ideas and access vital resources in their own language.

René Arseneault, Member of Parliament (Madawaska-Restigouche), announced today that the Government of Canada is providing funding of $2 million to Edmundston's Centre Maillet for phase 2 of its major renovation project. This announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Rachel Bendayan, Minister of Official Languages and Associate Minister of Public Safety.

The investment announced today, which covers the period 2024-2027, will help the Centre Maillet make structural improvements to its building and redevelop its rental and vacant spaces. Funding will allow Centre Maillet to replace windows, add cladding to the auditorium, replace the electrical panel and upgrade the ventilation system. The facility will also purchase specialized equipment to provide a more functional and accessible environment for its tenants.

Besides the Government of Canada, other funders of this project include the Government of New Brunswick's Regional Development Corporation, New Brunswick Power and the City of Edmundston.

In total, the Government of Canada will invest up to an additional $47.2 million over five years to increase the amount and quality of community educational infrastructure and spaces for official‑language minority community organizations across the country. These projects are made possible by the Action Plan for Official Languages 2023-2028 and the Community Life component of the Development of Official-Language Communities Program.

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