Canada Imposes New Sanctions on Iran 8 March

Global Affairs Canada

Today, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced that Canada is imposing new sanctions under the Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations against Iranian individuals and entities who have engaged in gross human rights violations against Iranian civilians and destabilizing activities in the Middle East region and globally that undermine international peace, security or stability in a manner that is consistent with the policies of Iran.

The Iranian regime continues to demonstrate blatant disregard for human rights, systematically oppressing its own people and spreading instability beyond its borders. From the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters to the arbitrary detention and execution of dissidents, Iran's leaders persist in silencing voices of freedom with violence and fear. These egregious violations extend beyond their domestic population, as the regime supports terror groups and threatens regional and global security.

These sanctions target 3 individuals and 4 entities that are Iranian business people and companies connected to procurement networks that acquire and supply sophisticated technology that supports the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' (IRGC's) weapons production and sales, including to Russia for use in its illegal war against Ukraine.

Canada is listing the following individuals and entities:

Hossein Hatefi Ardakani, head of a transnational procurement network that includes Kavan Electronics Behrad Limited Liability Company, Basamad Electronic Pouya Engineering Limited Liability Company and Teyf Tadbir Arya Engineering Company

Mehdi Gogerdchian, managing director and board member of Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries (HESA)

Hossein Pourfarzaneh, lead engineer of Farzanegan Propulsion Design Bureau

Kavan Electronics Behrad Limited Liability Company, a procurement firm

Basamad Electronic Pouya Engineering Limited Liability Company, a procurement firm

Teyf Tadbir Engineering Company, a procurement firm

Farzanegan Propulsion Systems Design Bureau, a technology firm

These new sanctions align with measures taken by Canada's allies, including the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union.

Despite decades of concerted efforts by the international community to counter activities that gravely threaten international peace and security, Iran remains a destabilizing actor across the Middle East region through a range of malign activities by its own military as well as by its support of a network of aligned, non-state militias and terrorist armed groups.

Iran and its proxies have heightened the risk of uncontrollable escalation and violence in the region through persistent attacks against neighbouring states, Israel, and U.S. and allied forces in the region. In 2024, Iran undertook two sets of large-scale, direct territorial attacks against Israel using ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)-also known as drones-a dangerous and unprecedented step that raises the stakes in a long-standing regional confrontation. As Iran continues to build networks to acquire and share weapons technology and expertise, the regime has also increased the operational coordination of its proxies, with multiple aligned armed groups launching attacks in Iraq and against Israel.

Iran has also increased defence cooperation with and provided materiel support to Russia in its illegal war of aggression against Ukraine in the form of UAVs, ammunition and ballistic missiles. Canada and G7 partners have assessed that there is evidence that Iran has continued to transfer weaponry to Russia despite repeated international calls for this to stop. This represents a further escalation of Iran's military support to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.

The Iranian regime poses a threat to international peace and security, both through its armed forces and through its support of its allies and proxies. Canada stands firm in responding to Iran's actions and supporting those who courageously resist oppression under the Iranian regime in pursuit of fundamental human rights and justice.

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