Canada Investments Bolster Business, Housing And Tourism Recovery In Jasper

Prairies Economic Development Canada

Federally funded initiatives will provide temporary retail locations for local businesses, advance affordable housing units, enable efficient construction activities, and help grow tourism

Residents and businesses in Jasper and Jasper National Park remain committed to rebuilding and welcoming visitors to Canada's Rocky Mountains. The federal government is listening to Jasperites and is working with them to restore the community and to attract visitors that contribute significantly to Jasper's economy.

Today, the Honourable Terry Duguid, Minister for PrairiesCan and Ministerial Lead for Jasper, announced additional federal funding of more than $2 million for new initiatives that will help local businesses reach and retain customers, provide much needed storage and workspace for construction-related activities, and help strengthen the tourism economy. Minister Duguid also announced a new land lease agreement that will contribute to the development of affordable rental options in Jasper.

Retail pop-up business village

Businesses in Jasper have felt the impacts of the 2024 wildfires in unimaginable ways. From a loss in revenue and foot traffic, to completely losing their storefronts, businesses continue to grapple with challenges resulting from the summer 2024 wildfires.

To help address the needs of businesses, PrairiesCan is supporting the Municipality of Jasper to establish a retail pop-up business village in the downtown core. This space will be home to temporary structures where businesses that lost their retail locations to the fire can resume operations.

This initiative will help businesses to generate revenue and retain customers during the peak tourism season and into the fall. It will also reiterate that Jasper remains open and ready to welcome tourists by providing access to services and experiences that locals and visitors have come to expect. Parks Canada and the municipality have already given approval for this initiative, with the site expected to be operational prior to the summer tourism season.

Efficient construction initiatives

With more than 30 per cent of Jasper's structures damaged or destroyed, there will be ongoing and significant construction activity in the community. Currently, secure storage for construction materials and spaces suitable to prefabricate building materials within close proximity to Jasper are limited, posing transportation and construction challenges.

As part of its investment in the Municipality of Jasper, PrairiesCan is contributing to initiatives that support efficient home building practices and minimize construction delays arising from supply issues. An interim industrial park will open to provide businesses and tradespeople with access to equipment storage and workspaces where they can conduct essential rebuild-related operations within Jasper. In addition, the municipality will work with Parks Canada, builders and lease holders to coordinate staging spaces where contractors can securely store construction materials and establish temporary accommodations for tradespeople near work sites.

Enhancing and marketing visitor experiences

It is critical that travelers and tourist organizations know that Jasper is open for businesses and ready to welcome visitors from across Canada and the world. From tour opportunities such as climbing and hiking to unique nighttime programming, operators in Jasper are eager to provide incredible experiences to visitors. Building on previously announced funding, an additional PrairiesCan investment to Tourism Jasper will enhance the organization's capacity to develop and deliver travel packages and marketing efforts that encourage travel to, and investment in, Jasper businesses.

Land lease for affordable housing

Parks Canada and the Municipality of Jasper are working towards rebuilding Jasper with a higher density to get more residents back to the community. Parks Canada's priority is to install as many housing units as quickly as possible, while supporting the municipality's desire to ensure that interim solutions also support long-term housing needs in the community through increased density.

With that in mind, Parks Canada will lease a parcel of land to the Municipality of Jasper for a nominal fee of $1. This lot, located on Connaught Drive in the Town of Jasper, will be used to develop a 40-unit affordable housing rental complex.

This project marks the first stage of a broader community strategy to build high-density, long-term housing in Jasper. The rents will be set below market rates and the revenue will support other affordable housing projects managed by the Jasper Municipal Housing Corporation (JMHC).

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