Canada Justice Minister Announces Quebec Judicial Picks

Department of Justice Canada

The Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, today announced the following appointments under the judicial application process established in 2016. This process emphasizes transparency, merit, and the diversity of the Canadian population, and will continue to ensure the appointment of jurists who meet the highest standards of excellence and integrity.

Steve Baribeau, Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Directeur des poursuites criminelles et pénales, at Gouvernement du Québec in Saint-Jérôme, is appointed a Judge of the Superior Court of Quebec for the district of Laval. Justice Baribeau fills one of the three remaining positions authorized under Bill C-74 (2018) in Laval.

Fany O'Bomsawin, a sole practitioner in Bromont, is appointed a Judge of the Superior Court of Quebec in Sherbrooke. Justice O'Bomsawin replaces Justice L. Samoisette (Sherbrooke), who elected to become a supernumerary judge effective March 14, 2023.


"I wish Justices Baribeau and O'Bomsawin every success as they take on their new roles. I am confident they will serve Quebecers well as members of the Superior Court of Quebec."

-The Hon. Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada


Justice Steve Baribeau is originally from Louiseville, in the Mauricie region. He obtained a law degree from Laval University in 1996 and was called to Barreau du Québec in 1998.

Justice Baribeau began his career in private practice at the Lacoursière, Lebrun et Vézina firm in Trois-Rivières, where he practised criminal law from 1998 to 2001. He then joined the Substituts du procureur général (now Directeur des poursuites criminelles et pénales), where he spent more than 20 years of his career as a prosecutor at the Saint-Jérôme office in the judicial district of Terrebonne. He has argued several large-scale, high-profile cases before judge and jury. He has had the opportunity to practise before all criminal courts in Canada, including the Quebec Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada.

Justice Baribeau has taught at the École du Barreau du Québec since 2010, contributing to the training of numerous cohorts of young lawyers. Since 2022, he has also taught at the École nationale de police du Québec. He has given numerous lectures and training courses in criminal law, addressing law students, various bar associations, the bodyguards of ministers and the Premier of Quebec, as well as recruits of the Quebec Maritime Junior Hockey League (QMJHL). He was involved in the legal community as president of the Barreau de Laurentides-Lanaudière from 2017 to 2019.

Justice Baribeau is passionate about sport. Tennis, field hockey, and spinning are at the centre of his daily routine.

Justice Fany O'Bomsawin is a member of Première Nation W8banaki (Abénakise). She is committed to reconnecting with her origins by learning aln8ba8dwa8gan, the Abenaki language. She obtained a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Montréal in 1998, after completing a Bachelor of Industrial Relations degree at the same university in 1995. She has been a member of Barreau du Québec since 1999.

Justice O'Bomsawin began her career at McCarthy Tétrault, where she practised law for nearly seven years. She then continued her career at a boutique firm where she became a partner. As a litigator, she gained extensive experience in labour and employment law, covering a variety of areas including litigation relating to charters, employment contracts, injunctions and judicial reviews. She has argued before several administrative tribunals as well as the Court of Québec, the Superior Court and the Court of Appeal of Québec. At the time of her appointment, she proudly served as a grievance arbitrator and accredited mediator.

Justice O'Bomsawin was listed in the Best Lawyers® in Canada directory in the labour law category. Committed to her community, she has served on various boards of directors of cultural and educational organizations, including UQAM. For several years, she was also a director of Moelle Épinière et Motricité Québec (MÉMO-Qc), an organization founded almost 80 years ago that works for the independence and quality of life of people with disabilities.

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