Canada Launches National Autism Network Leader

Public Health Agency of Canada

The Government of Canada is committed to supporting the needs of all Canadians, including Autistic people and those who care for them.

Today, the Honourable Kamal Khera, Minister of Health, announced over $6.3 million in funding over five years for the Sinneave Family Foundation to establish and lead the new National Autism Network, as a non-profit organization. Sinneave will collaborate with Autism Alliance of Canada and other partners to advance a shared mission to create a more inclusive and supportive Canada for Autistic people, their families and caregivers.

The National Autism Network will provide an important forum for the Autism community to be involved in the development of federal policies and programs that affect them. Incorporating lived and living experiences and perspectives ensures initiatives are practical, effective and responsive. This network will establish and convene standing advisory committees that include people with lived and living experience, including Autistic individuals, parents and caregivers, and Indigenous representatives. These committees will support the implementation of the five key priority areas in the Framework for Autism in Canada and Canada's Autism Strategy: Screening, Diagnosis and Services; Economic Inclusion; Data Collection, Public Health Surveillance and Research; Public Awareness, Understanding and Acceptance; and Tools and Resources.

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