Canada Pledges Support for Edmonton Infrastructure

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

Today, the Honourable Randy Boissonnault, Member of Parliament for Edmonton Centre, announced a federal investment of up to $482,160 for a solar energy project in Edmonton through the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program.

Funding will construct a solar array for the Edmonton Food Bank's main building, reducing operating costs for the organization by at least $70,000 annually. These enhancements are also expected to reduce the facility's energy consumption by an estimated 83.3% and greenhouse gas emissions by 203 tonnes annually.

The project will further foster community sustainability and prosperity by reducing costs and allowing for reinvestment into the local economy through food purchases, programs, and more.

Project funding is subject to the negotiation and signing of a contribution agreement between the Government of Canada and the recipient.

The federal government recognizes the importance of community spaces and remains committed to strengthening and revitalizing Canadian communities, ensuring we remain connected through common interest and shared spaces.

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