Canada Pours $3M Into Quebec Transit To Cut Pollution

Environment and Climate Change Canada

The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, announced that the Government of Canada will invest over $3 million from the Environmental Damages Fund in five active transportation projects in Quebec.

The source of funding for these projects is part of a settlement agreement between the Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA) and Volkswagen Group Canada Inc. The settlement included a contribution of $4,624,358 to the Environmental Damages Fund to be directed toward projects in Quebec that prevent or remediate air pollution caused by vehicles.

The Environmental Damages Fund is a Government of Canada program administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada. The Fund directs monies received from fines, penalties, court orders, and voluntary payments to projects that will repair environmental damage or benefit the environment.


Recipient: Vélo Québec Association

Funding amount: $880,000

Project title: Toutes vers une mobilité active

This project aims to remove barriers to bicycle use for women in eight municipalities in Quebec through bike-lending programs, tutorials, and training sessions.

Recipient: Réseau LocoMotion

Funding amount: $694,405

Project title: Réseau vélos-cargos

This project will support the launch of six cargo bike shares in Montréal to create a network of electric and non-electric bike shares, based around libraries and recreational centres.

Recipient: Vivre en Ville|

Funding amount: $295,901

Project title: Accélérateur des transitions vers la mobilité active au Québec

This project will establish an active transportation accelerator through a community of practice made up of professionals, decision-makers, and local change-makers to support the transition to active transportation.

Recipient: Conseil régional de l'environnement du Centre-du-Québec

Funding amount: $699,999

Project title: Pratico-vélo

This project will encourage active transportation through a long-term, electric bike-lending program targeting four different sectors: corporate bike sharing for employees; cargo bike delivery for businesses; courtesy bikes for clients at garages; and cargo bikes to help families access public services.

Recipient: Conseil régional de l'environnement de Laval

Funding amount: $446,160

Project title: Vélocité : accompagnement et sensibilisation à la mobilité active lavalloise

This project aims to increase awareness and uptake of the VÉLOSYMPATHIQUE certification for industries and businesses, which encourages best practices for active mobility, physical activity, and multi-modal transportation options such as public transportation, carpooling, and bike shares.

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