Canada Public Health Warns of Wildfire, Heat Risks

CA Gov

Emergencies caused by severe weather are becoming more frequent and complex, both here in Canada and around the world. The wildfires situation in Jasper, Alberta, shows how quickly these events can escalate and their devasting impacts on individuals (both residents and visitors to the area), infrastructure and communities. Many other regions in Canada are also dealing with above-normal temperatures. These extreme weather events not only threaten the immediate health and safety of people in affected areas, but can also cause significant indirect and longer-term impacts on physical and mental health, including during and after community evacuations.

During heavy smoke conditions as a result of wildfires, the impacts can be felt even hundreds or thousands of kilometres away from a fire zone. Everyone is at risk of health impacts from smoke, regardless of their age or health, but some populations are at greater risk. Those at greater risk include elders, people who work or exercise strenuously outdoors, pregnant people, young children, people with an existing or chronic health condition, and people facing other health inequities. Indigenous communities in northern and remote regions are also disproportionately affected, for some this includes experiencing multiple wildfire events and/or evacuations.

Protecting yourself from wildfire smoke

The behaviour of wildfires can be difficult to predict, including where smoke will spread or how much. However, there are measures you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Use the WeatherCAN app, listen for local air quality statements or check the information from local health authorities to stay informed about air quality, including the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI), in your area or an area where you may be travelling.

Consider minimizing your exposure by limiting outdoor activities if the air quality is poor, especially if you are at higher risk for smoke related health impacts. If the AQHI is seven or higher, consider reducing the length or intensity of your outdoor activities or to reschedule during better weather conditions. If you must spend time outdoors, wearing a well-fitted NIOSH-certified N95 or equivalent respirator (KN95 or KF94) mask to reduce exposure to harmful fine particles from wildfire smoke.

If possible, protect the indoor air in your home by using a clean, good quality air filter in your ventilation system based on the manufacturer's recommendations and/or using a certified portable air cleaner fitted to the room size. It is important that it can filter fine particles (e.g., HEPA filters).

Watch for common symptoms of smoke exposure, which include irritation of throat, nose, and eyes, coughing, and headaches. Seek immediate medical attention if you are experiencing dizziness, chest pains, severe difficulty breathing or unexpected changes in speech or mobility, because these could indicate a more serious condition such as heart attack or stroke.

What to do in the case of extreme heat

Extreme heat poses a serious health risk. Heat illnesses can lead to short- and long-term health problems and even death. When an extreme heat event occurs with wildfire smoke, you should first and foremost protect yourself from the heat. Prioritize keeping cool

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