Canada, Quebec Invest $163.5M in Gatineau Transit Project

Infrastructure Canada

Gatineau, Quebec, June 27 2024 - The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, the Honourable Steven MacKinnon, Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Member of Parliament for Gatineau, Geneviève Guilbault, Deputy Premier and Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, and Mathieu Lacombe, Minister of Culture and Communications, Minister responsible for Youth and Minister responsible for the Outaouais region, announced a joint investment of $163.5 million for the planning phase of the structuring electric public transit project between the west of Gatineau and downtown Ottawa.

For the occasion, they were accompanied by the MP for Pontiac, Sophie Chatel, the MNA for Hull, Suzanne Tremblay, the MNA for Gatineau, Robert Bussière, the MNA for Chapleau, Mathieu Lévesque, the Mayor of Gatineau, Maude Marquis-Bissonnette, and the Vice-President of the Société de transport de l'Outaouais, Edmond Leclerc.

The $98.1 million granted by the Government of Quebec and the $65.4 million granted by the Government of Canada will be used to further studies on the Quebec portion of the project. These include the environmental impact assessment, the preliminary design, as well as planning activities related to the engineering of the preparatory work. Their conclusions will be used to determine, among other things, the number and location of stations and the choice of rolling stock, as well as to specify the timetable and potential cost for construction of the project.

This structuring project would meet the present and future mobility needs of residents of the cities of Gatineau and Ottawa by offering a reliable, high-performance public transit service that promotes connectivity to employment, commercial and university hubs.

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