Canada Seeks Public Input on AI Computing Infrastructure

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Feedback will inform the development and implementation of measures related to Budget 2024's $2 billion investment to boost Canada's sovereign AI data processing capacity

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the greatest technological transformations of our age, and it offers transformative opportunities for economic development and productivity enhancements, as well as new opportunities for workers in every sector. To capitalize on these opportunities in a safe and secure way, Canadian researchers and companies will require considerable access to advanced and high-performing computing power, or "compute." The Government of Canada seeks to build on Canada's leadership in AI and increase domestic access to the compute power that researchers and AI developers require for training and deployment.

Today, the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announced the Consultation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Compute, which will help inform the design and implementation of a new AI Compute Access Fund and a Canadian AI Sovereign Compute Strategy proposed in Budget 2024. The consultation includes the AI Blueprint, a discussion paper that outlines Canada's opportunity and ambition on AI.

The consultation will engage Canadian researchers, innovators and businesses in identifying the best strategies for investing in Canada's AI future, and it will be carried out through a range of means and venues, including online. The government will also engage civil society, Indigenous groups and other interested stakeholders.

Through this consultation, the Government of Canada is taking steps to ensure Canadian organizations, businesses and researchers have access to the compute capacity they need to safeguard Canadian data and intellectual property while pursuing advanced AI.

The government is steadfast in securing Canada's world-leading AI advantage to create economic growth and well-paying opportunities for generations to come. AI is a rapidly growing sector, and through this consultation, we will help ensure a fair chance for every generation to succeed in this pivotal field.

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