Canada Shields Toronto-St. Paul's By-Election from Foreign Meddling

Democratic Institutions

Today, the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions, and Intergovernmental Affairs, announced that the measures brought in to protect by-elections from any potential foreign interference will be applied to the Toronto-St. Paul's electoral district by-election to be held on June 24, 2024.

The Security and Intelligence Threats to Elections (SITE) Task Force will provide enhanced monitoring and assessment of foreign interference threats during the by-election period. These assessments will be provided to the Deputy Minister Committee on Intelligence Response, which will stand ready to brief and advise ministers with mandates to combat foreign interference and protect Canada's democratic institutions.

Lines of communications continue to be opened with designated representatives of political parties to ensure engagement, should it become necessary over the course of the by-election period.

SITE will also produce both a classified and an unclassified report consisting of the Task Force's assessment of any attempts at foreign interference identified during the by-elections. The classified report will be made available to the Prime Minister, relevant ministers, as well as to the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, and identified representatives of the parties with appropriate security clearances.

These measures are in line with the Government of Canada's commitment to keeping Canadians informed about foreign interference in Canada. Building upon the Plan to Protect Canada's Democracy, the Government of Canada continues to defend Canada's democracy against interference and uphold Canadians' confidence in our institutions.

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