Canada Tightens Sanctions on Haiti Crisis Figures

Global Affairs Canada

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, today announced that Canada is imposing additional sanctions under the Special Economic Measures (Haiti) Regulations to address the deteriorating political, security and humanitarian situation in Haiti, which has been exacerbated by the actions of the targeted individuals.

These latest sanctions target 3 individuals: Dimitri Hérard, Jeantel Joseph and Jeff Larose. These individuals have committed acts that undermine the peace, security and stability of Haiti.

The sanctioned individuals will be inadmissible to Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and will be subject to a broad prohibition on dealings. Their assets in Canada will be frozen, and Canadians both at home and abroad will be prohibited from engaging in transactions with these individuals.

Canada will continue to support all efforts to address the urgent needs of the Haitian people and to work with international partners to help restore peace and stability in the region.

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