Canada to Partner Host HANNOVER MESSE

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Canada's leadership in industrial and technological innovation will be on full display at HANNOVER MESSE 2025

HANNOVER MESSE is one of the world's largest industrial development and technology trade fairs, welcoming up to 200,000 visitors annually. It is a leading showcase for global companies focused on digital technologies, industrial transformation, clean technologies and resilient supply chains.

In August 2022, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, announced that Canada accepted Germany's invitation to become a partner host country at HANNOVER MESSE in 2025.

Earlier today, Canada formalized its participation as partner host country at HANNOVER MESSE 2025 at a signing ceremony on the opening day of the 2023 trade show. Representing the Government of Canada, Ms. Isabelle Poupart, Chargée d'affaires a.i. of Canada to Germany, signed a memorandum of understanding with Dr. Jochen Kӧckler, Chairman of Deutsche Messe AG, the event organizer.

This partnership is not only an outstanding opportunity for Canada to continue building strong relationships with Germany but also a commitment to work with leading companies in Germany, in Europe and around the world to jointly develop solutions to today's most pressing challenges as Canada is investing significantly to achieve its climate goals, diversify its economy, grow low-carbon industries and new technologies, and support the restructuring of critical supply chains.

Annual participation at HANNOVER MESSE helps forge new innovation partnerships, create enduring business links and shape the industries of the future, including those supporting energy, industrial and digital transition. HANNOVER MESSE also promotes women in manufacturing and technology industries through the annual WomenPower Congress.

This partner country status in 2025 will amplify Canada as a great place to do business, offering a favourable business environment, leading advanced technology industries, a highly skilled workforce and a strong desire to collaborate with partners that share those same goals.

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