Canada Unveils AI Strategy for Federal Public Service

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly improve government operations and services for Canadians. The safe, ethical and responsible use of AI is a priority for the federal government.

Today, the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, President of the Treasury Board, launched Canada's first AI Strategy for the federal public service at the University of Waterloo, a hub for emerging technology and Canadian talent. Announcing the Strategy at the Waterloo Data and Artificial Intelligence Institute underscores the government's commitment to research and innovation in AI to improve digital service delivery.

The Strategy was developed through extensive engagement with stakeholders, including the public and experts from a range of disciplines. Involving Canadians in its development was a key feature to ensure it reflected the democratic values we continue to prioritize today.

Accordingly, the Strategy will advance 4 key priority areas: establishing an AI Centre of Expertise to support and to help coordinate government-wide AI efforts; ensuring AI systems are secure and used responsibly; providing training and talent development pathways; and building trust through openness and transparency in how AI is used.

The Government of Canada will use AI to enhance its scientific and research capabilities, improve the productivity of its workforce, and deliver enhanced digital services to Canadians. This work will strengthen Canada's role as a leader in AI.

Through this Strategy, the government will be able to implement AI more efficiently by removing barriers to AI adoption that exist in departmental processes and legacy systems. It will promote more effective collaboration between government departments to identify successful AI-driven initiatives and implement them more widely. As well, the Strategy strengthens transparency and accountability for the responsible use of AI, ensuring the development of AI solutions that are ethical, inclusive, and responsive to the needs of the public.

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