Canada Unveils First Veteran Employment Strategy

Veterans Affairs Canada

Service after Service: The National Veterans Employment Strategy aims to improve employment opportunities for Veterans

Veterans have served our country with pride and dedication. In the course of their service, they acquired skills and knowledge that make them valuable assets to any team. To facilitate a successful transition for members of the Canadian Armed Forces, the Government of Canada is taking steps to address this need.

Today, the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence marked the official launch of Service after Service: The National Veterans Employment Strategy by ringing the bell at the Toronto Stock Exchange alongside Veterans, employers and stakeholders, then later met with Veterans and industry partners.

The Strategy provides a comprehensive roadmap to support Veteran employment, by leveraging their unique qualifications, as finding a job after service can be an important part of a Veterans transition journey, and we are committed to ensuring every Veteran has the opportunity to find meaningful employment.

Indeed, over the past ten years, an average of 8,200 Canadian Armed Forces members released each year, and approximately half of those Veterans were seeking new career opportunities. That is why the Strategy identifies areas where the Government of Canada can build on and strengthen current efforts to make the job search process easier and more efficient for Veterans, including:

  • Improving services and expanding programs for Veterans;
  • Creating and recognizing Veteran ready employers;
  • Positioning the public service as a leader for Veteran employment, and;
  • Building trusted partnerships.

Building partnerships between government departments, not-for-profit organizations, post-secondary institutions, employers and businesses across the country is essential to creating a community focused on Veteran employment. By building these partnerships, organizations will be better positioned to understand Veterans skills and meet their needs. As part of this effort, the Minister also participated in a roundtable organized by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce to speak directly with some of Canada's leading employers of Veterans, and met with Veterans and industry partners to see this work in action.

The Strategy will be updated using evidence-based approaches and ongoing consultations to effectively address new issues and adapt to the changing needs of Veterans.

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