Canada, US Coast Guards Wrap Up 2024 Summit

Canadian Coast Guard

Sydney, Nova Scotia - As neighbouring maritime nations, Canada and the United States have long shared knowledge, experience, and best practices on a wide range of coast guard services that help keep our collective mariners safe and protect our coasts and waterways.

The 2024 Canada-United States Coast Guard Summit took place at the Canadian Coast Guard College in Sydney, Nova Scotia. The annual Summit provides for senior coast guard leadership to gather and examine strategic and operational issues. This year's agenda covered the priorities, challenges and opportunities faced by both coast guards which include, shipbuilding; recruitment and retention; and, operations in the Arctic.

The Canadian Coast Guard College provided a fitting backdrop for discussions that emphasized collaboration and future readiness in coast guard operations. It also highlights the College's foundational role of education and innovation in maritime safety, combined with access to worldclass training and resources like navigation and ice management simulators, and the Wärtsilä training engine - the first of its kind in Canada and one of only six in the world.

Participants had the privilege of attending a traditional smudging ceremony led by Hereditary Chief of the Mi'kmaq Grand Council (Keptin) Stephen Augustine. The local First Nation also hosted participants on a guided tour of the Membertou Heritage Park - a five-acre site, including a large indoor exhibit, that offers a dynamic portrayal of the culture and heritage of the Mi'kmaq people of Membertou.

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