Canada, Yukon Invest $11.1M in Mayo, Whitehorse Water

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

The Village of Mayo and City of Whitehorse will see improvements to water service through two projects after a joint investment of more than $11.1 million from the federal and territorial governments.

In the Hillcrest Subdivision area of Whitehorse, rehabilitation of water, sewer, and roads will include upgrades to the sanitary and main lines and expansion of the underground storm systems and culverts.

North of Whitehorse, in the Village of Mayo, funding for underground utility upgrades will result in safer and more accessible drinking water, improved flow of water for firefighting, and better capacity to transport sewage. The rehabilitation of water infrastructure will also result in the resurfacing of the impacted roads.

Supporting infrastructure projects that provide effective and reliable water services for communities help create healthier environments for the future.

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