Pledge of $81.41 million to replenish Caribbean Development Bank's Special Development Fund
Canada is a founding member of the CDB, the region's leading development financing institution. Canada, along with the United Kingdom, remains the largest non-borrowing shareholder.
Canada's pledge of $81.41 million represents a 16% increase over its previous contribution ($70.34 million) and maintains Canada's status as the top contributor to the SDF.
Commitment of $9 million to World Food Programme to support logistics and tackle food insecurity
Canada has allocated $9 million in funding to CARICOM countries through the World Food Programme (WFP) to address the region's specific needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The WFP will work with the Caribbean Disaster and Emergency Management Agency, a Canada-funded temporary logistics hub, to address logistics challenges in the region and respond to the COVID-19 emergency.
Canada has allocated $2 million of the WFP funding to address the increasing food security unfolding in Haiti through the improvement of resilience and livelihood capacities of smallholder famers and their communities in upper Artibonite. The new bilateral initiative will focus on increasing food security and resilience among vulnerable populations, including vulnerable women and girls. This initiative complements Global Affairs Canada's current crisis programing in Haiti through the WFP.