November 11, 2019 - Ottawa - National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces
Lieutenant-General Wayne Eyre, Commander of the Canadian Army, issued the following statement:
"This Remembrance Day we unite as Canadians to pause and reflect on the sacrifices of our brave men and women in uniform. We must never forget, not only the hard-won battles of the past, but also the ongoing work of our soldiers, sailors and aviators serving at home and abroad today. We offer thoughts as well to military families, whose unwavering support and understanding serve as motivation and a reminder of the freedoms we have fought to preserve.
"In 2019, the world is marking 80 years since the start of the Second World War. Canadians can take great pride in our veterans' contributions to major engagements such as the Italian Campaign and the Battle of the Scheldt - both key turning points that came to costly but successful conclusions 75 years ago. A contingent of current Canadian Armed Forces members and veterans was fortunate to be a part of events held in France this year to mark the anniversary of D-Day. Thanks and congratulations to them for representing us all so well in those poignant commemorations.
"This is not to forget the equally momentous sacrifices of Canadians during the First World War and Korea. And, this Remembrance Day coincides with the fifth anniversary of the end of our mission in Afghanistan. Regardless of the mission, the ways we as Canadians appreciate those who served, mourn those lost, and celebrate our successes there, remain the same.
"Over the last century, Canadians have stood proudly in co-operation and friendship with our allies and we are grateful for their partnership - as they have been for ours. This year, NATO turns 70 years old. As one of its founders, Canada can take pride in its contributions to this vital strategic alliance. Allies and friends will continue to be of vital importance to us as we move forward in this dangerous, volatile world.
"On behalf of the Canadian Army, Chief Warrant Officer Hartnell and I would like to express the deepest gratitude to soldiers past and present and their families. We are thankful today, tomorrow, and always.
"Lest we forget."
Lieutenant-General Wayne Eyre
Commander, Canadian Army
Chief Warrant Officer Stu Hartnell
Army Sergeant Major
Additional multimedia

Members of the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada from Montreal attended the Remembrance Day ceremony at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec on Tuesday November 11, 2014.
Photo: Corporal Louis Brunet

Members of the Canadian Armed Forces stand at attention during the Dedication Ceremony for the War of 1812 Monument held at Parliament Hill on November 6, 2014 in Ottawa, Ontario.
Photo: Corporal Michael J. MacIsaac, Canadian Forces Support Unit (Ottawa) Imaging Services