Canadian Coast Guard
Quebec City, Quebec - The Canadian Coast Guard's seasonal Inshore Rescue Boat stations in Quebec will close on the following dates:
- Longueuil, Trois-Rivières, Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac, and Beaconsfield: Sunday, September 29 at 8:00 P.M.
- Sorel: Wednesday, November 13 at 12:00 P.M.
- The Bainsville station closed on September 3
All Inshore Rescue Boat stations opened on May 29 - the start of peak boating and sailing season in Quebec.
The Inshore Rescue Boat program trains and employs post-secondary students to provide additional maritime search and rescue services during the busy summer season. The Canadian Coast Guard's seasonal search and rescue stations located in Cap-aux-Meules, Havre-Saint-Pierre, Kegaska, Quebec City, Rivière-au-Renard and Tadoussac will remain in service until November and December.
Emergencies can be reported to the Canadian Coast Guard 24/7:
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