Canadian Dental Care Plan Now Covers 1 Million Seniors

Health Canada

Starting today, the first one million seniors who successfully applied to the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) and have a May coverage start date in their welcome package, can now receive the dental care they need.

Also as of today, potentially eligible people aged 65 and above can now apply to the CDCP online, a new user-friendly tool designed to help Canadians easily apply.

There are more than 6,500 oral health providers signed up to participate and ready to provide services to CDCP patients. If those eligible for services do not already have an oral health provider, they can consult Sun Life's CDCP Provider Search to find a dentist, dental hygienist, denturist or dental specialist in their community.

When booking an appointment before July 8, 2024, CDCP patients should ask their oral health provider if they are signed up to participate in the CDCP. Starting July 8, CDCP patients will be able to see any oral health provider of their choice, as long as the provider agrees to direct bill Sun Life for services provided under the plan. All providers will be able to direct bill Sun Life for services provided on a claim-by-claim basis, without formally signing up for the CDCP.

Before July 8, claims will only be processed from a participating provider. If CDCP patients pay the full costs themselves, they will not be reimbursed.

Depending on their household income, CDCP patients may have to pay a co-payment, as well as additional charges depending on the services received. Before receiving any services, CDCP patients should confirm the amount that is not covered by the CDCP and that they will need to pay directly to their provider.

The Government of Canada continues to increase opportunities to access oral health services. Later this month, Health Canada will launch the Oral Health Access Fund (OHAF), which will further reduce barriers that prevent Canadians from accessing oral health care, including in rural and remote communities. The first Call for Proposals will support projects submitted by oral health training institutions.

The CDCP is going to help make dental care more affordable for up to nine million Canadians who currently do not have coverage. Participating providers continue to support our collective efforts to ensure that as many Canadians as possible receive the oral health care services they need to stay healthy.

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